It is the policy of the Geary County USD #475 to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability within its jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability. Consequently, it is the intent of the District to identify and evaluate qualified students with disabilities within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act who are in need of accommodations or services, including related services, to participate in District programs on an equal basis with the students without disabilities.
As detailed in these procedures, students who may be in need of accommodations or services, including related services, are evaluated by a Section 504 and Title II Team, and when appropriate and the parent or guardian provides consent, are provided accommodations or services, including related services, pursuant to a written Section 504 and Title II Accommodation Plan that outlines the accommodations or services, including related services, the student will receive.
Dissemination of Policy
The District will post the combined notice of nondiscrimination in at least two prominent locations at each district building, the administrative office, and on each web page of the District’s website at The online notice of nondiscrimination shall contain a link to the District’s anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-retaliation policies and grievance procedures, including grievance procedures to address discrimination based on disability.
The District will also publish and prominently display its revised combined notice of nondiscrimination in an easily visible location in student and employee hard copy and online publications, including, but not limited to, the following publications: (1) announcements, (2) bulletins, (3) catalogs, (4) students and employee application forms, (5) board policies and grievance procedures for discrimination complaints, (6) student, parent, and staff handbooks and students codes of conduct (7) recruitment materials, (8) employee handbooks or materials, and (9) general publications. For publications such as student, parent, and staff handbooks, the notice should be placed at the beginning of each handbook in a section entitled Nondiscrimination.
Schools must provide a copy of the combined notice of Nondiscrimination to all parents of public school students on an annual basis. In addition, schools must furnish such notice to parents whose children register during the course of the school year. This notice shall also be provided upon request.
Implementation of Policy
Personnel shall be designated at the central office as well as the school level to ensure compliance with Section 504 and Title II.
The District Section 504 and Title II Coordinator shall prescribe the procedures and forms used for Notice of Section 504 and Title II Rights, Section 504 and Title II Referrals, and Section 504 and Title II Evaluations and other related forms.
Each building principal shall serve as the Building-based Section 504 and Title II Coordinator to oversee implementation of Section 504 and Title II at the building level. The Building-based Section 504 and Title II Coordinator shall ensure that the Notice of Nondiscrimination under Section 504 and Title II is disseminated to the parents of all students, shall convene Section 504 and Title II Teams to evaluate requests for their accommodations or services, including related services, shall oversee provision of any accommodations or services, including related services, and shall maintain data relevant to the school’s implementation of Section 504 and Title II including which students have current Section 504 and Title II plans in place, the accommodations, or services, including related services given, and written records of any incidents related to, or resulting from the student’s Section 504 and Title II plan.